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Clergy Luncheon 3/17/11

Our second luncheon to introduce Cincinnati area clergy to our project was a huge success. Most of the 9 clergy leaders who attended indicated that they would like to pursue having us do a health program in their church. We can't say enough about how great the LOVING HUT vegan restaurant was in donating their back room complete with projector and putting out the most delicious buffet of food. They worked so hard to put this together for us and it was fabulous.

The Team and support staff.
Randall Ball, Helen Gaynor, Rachel Lewis, Richard Brown,Khassa Selassie, Alan Feibelman, Greg Gaynor, Mike Fremont, Afrika Williams w/ Dianaa





The Clergy Health Council is an outreach project that launched in December, 2010. The goal of the project is to enlist the support of the local clergy to promote a 4 part health series that our team will put on in their church.
The Inaugural Luncheon was our first event to intoduce our project to local clergy. It hit its first speed bump with a 5" snowstorm the morning of our event. Our true committment shone through and the event proceeded perfectly despite low attandance. Of those that braved the slippery roads their comments were: “I am so glad I came, I will begin this day to spread the word to others” ,  “ very informative and timely”.

“Cowardice asks the question, is it safe?
Expediency asks the question, is it polite?

Vanity asks the question, is it popular?

But conscience asks the question is it right?

And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor polite, nor popular – but one must take it because it is right.”

Dr Martin Luther King Jr. 1929-1968


Randall Ball





Mike Fremont, Khassa Selassie, Rachel Lewis, Simon Rochester


Delicious vegan buffet suplied by Loving Hut






Watching the "EATING" DVD



Randall's Speech at the Inaugural Luncheon:

Good Morning distinguished clergy of Cincinnati.

My name is Randall Ball.   I am a Community Health Minister and it is my honor and privilege to welcome you here today; and to moderate our program.   First of all: Thank you very much for coming and for braving the weather.   Your attendance today speaks powerfully of your commitment to the health of our Greater Cincinnati community.  We are honored by your attendance and your willingness to come to learn about our proposed health program and to consider being part of the Clergy Health Council of Cincinnati.   Thank you.  Thank you for coming.

Now I would like to go around the room and have each of you quickly and introduce yourself.  Please keep in mind that we have a very full program today and are committing to completing at 1 PM sharp.  Please keep it extremely brief and just state your name, the name of your church and whether you currently have a “health team” or not. 

 Thank you.  

Now, the first thing I want you to know is that I and everyone whom you will hear from today are all strictly volunteers.  In fact several of us, myself included, have sacrificed highly lucrative careers and made other great personal sacrifices over the years - in order to find and share information with you and with others.   In addition, this entire 100% vegan café is staffed almost entirely by volunteers – not paid staff.   Only 1 person, the café manager, is actually paid to work at this café.  While we are offering the DVD we will be showing and some books for sale if you want to buy them when this is over – they are all being offered strictly at cost.  There is absolutely nothing monetary for any of us to gain from the work we have done to put this program together or in speaking with you today.  

So why?  Why do we do this?  It’s actually very simple.   We are offering this program to you today out of the love and passion of our hearts; and the committed courage and conviction of our souls.   We are simply sick and tired of watching our loved ones, our community, and even much of our planet, continue to suffer and to die – all totally needlessly.   As the Bible says: “The people parish for lack of knowledge”.

In return for sharing this knowledge, this information - we are asking that you open your own hearts and minds to receive our gift, and to seriously consider joining us in our efforts to reach others, those in your congregations with it as well.  Still, I must caution you.  While this gift may actually save your life, the lives of those you love, and literally hundreds of those whom you serve, let us make no mistake about it – to do so, to courageously and boldly share this information - will take courage and real fortitude.   If the task was easy, it would already be accomplished. 

Before I go on, I must tell you a bit more about myself and then I am going to ask you a few questions.   This person standing before you was once thoroughly “steeped” in the mainstream medical industry.  Beginning over thirty years ago, I spent the first ten years of my medical career as a specialist in the high tech medical & clinical diagnostic laboratory field, and later studied to be a Hospital Administrator.   My younger sister and her husband, and my college roommates are all Medical Doctors; my x-wife is a Medical Technologist, and her mother was head of the emergency room in a major hospital.  All I once knew was traditional medicine and I made very, very good money there.   I was once sure that this was all there was.   Today that has all changed.   

I am telling you all this so that you can powerfully hear why we specifically invited YOU here today???  Why the clergy of Cincinnati?  Why -- because you have a unique role to play, a unique place to stand.  Of all the professionals in Cincinnati, you have a particularly powerful, distinguished place from which you can truly make a difference – that no other single profession has – free of legal and threatening restraints, and free of any vulnerable attacks of financial conflict of interest.

Now, a few questions:

  1. Who among you believes that God created the Earth and everything on it?  (Please simply raise your hand!)
  2. Who believes that God created Man in his own image and likeness; and that God considers Man HIS supreme creation???  
  3. Do any of you doubt that God created Man with a miraculous self-healing body, and that God created everything on Earth necessary to sustain it - all the foods and remedies on the Earth in their natural form - ready and available to feed and heal this same divinely created body of ours?    (No???)
  4. Now an uncomfortable question.  Please ask yourselves – how many funerals are you attending lately, how many hospital visits are you making, how many prayers for healing are you saying for your parishioners?
  5. And now one final trick question.  Be careful here?   Who in this room know what M.D. has now come to stand for???  

           Please consider that all too often it actually stands for: “Medical Deity”!

Please consider that far too often the “Sheppard” people have now all too often placed their trust and faith in, even their very lives – is not God, nor his true representatives and teachers, not God’s legitimately ordained ministers.   Instead, far too many Americans, including frankly even many clergy, have been hypnotized into giving their power away to the Medical Deity establishment, to unquestioningly following their “doctor’s orders”.  As you will learn today - this Medical Deity establishment actually knows very little about what creates health – and frankly has betrayed us.  

Our euphemistically called “Health Care System”, the most expensive in the entire world, has co-created and collaborated with almost overwhelmingly powerful commercial/corporate food and pharmaceutical interests, to cause an absolutely devastating health crisis in this country - and it is actively exporting this crisis to rest of the world.  

In a nut shell, this blind, hypnotized allegiance, is a major cause of the health crisis we face today.  This is why I am standing before you today, this is why I, with all my medical background, have suggested the creation of this Clergy Health Council – to offer you the tools to now reclaim your flock for God.  I know it sounds harsh, but what I am calling you to do is – save your people from the frankly God-less Medical Deity establishment which actually knows little to nothing of the information you will learn today.   Unlike many other respected leaders in our society – you, as professional clergy, you may freely teach people about true health, about God’s design, about how to be well and how to thrive – without fear of being accused of “practicing medicine without a license”.   You, alone, are not selling another pill, another potion, nor medical procedure.  You have no commercial “conflict of interest”.  

We truly need your help.   Cincinnati, America, needs your help.  

So again, thank you for coming.  Thank you for listening.   Please take in everything you can that we are sharing today.


Now I want to turn this microphone over to a wonderful , vibrant, exceedingly healthy, great, great grandmother of 84 feisty years of age.   A women of wisdom and beauty that many of you know well and have come to respect and love.  Please welcome to the microphone, Ms. Rachel Lewis.


Rachel Lewis (84 yrs old)

Rachel's Speech at the Inaugural Luncheon:

We are here today by DIVINE APPOINTMENT.

It is no accident or happenstance.

God has brought us together today to close the health gap, to solve woman’s health matters, to wipe out childhood and adult obesity!
To halt the many chronic degenerative diseases that plague our communities.
We are here today to begin to save our lives.

We are sick and tired of our friends, our loved ones, associates and our community leaders dying prematurely. It doesn’t have to be.  God has given us a Divine Plan and all we have to do is follow God’s plan.

Today we can make a choice and I’m asking every one of you here today to take this challenge – To make a choice… 

  • to make a choice not to have a heart attack,
  • not to have a stroke,
  • not to have cancer of any kind,
  • not to have Alzheimer’s or dementia,
  • not to be in a nursing home,
  • not to have diabetes or kidney failure or any degenerative disease.

You can make that choice today with 100% certainty guaranteed.

A clear cut choice.



Disclaimer: Information on this website and on materials and or presentations should not be taken as medical advise. Before making any changes to diet or exercise habits you should always consult a qualified health professional.

Clergy Health Council is a Cincinnati, OH based all volunteer
nonprofit dedicated to improving the health of all people.

Copyright Clergy Health Council 2010-2011 All rights reserved
For more information contact the webmaster: Rich